

Sideralba S.p.A. (the “Company”), in pursuit of its business objectives, is committed to combating unlawful conduct by disseminating and promoting ethical values and principles through the effective implementation of control procedures, in compliance with the requirements set forth by the regulations in force.


The Company, in implementation of Legislative Decree No. 24/2023, has equipped itself with an IT platform that allows for the submission of reports, also in anonymous form, by accessing the following link: https://sideralba.besegnalazione.it/
The platform is the preferred tool for sending and managing reports, as it is best suited to protecting the confidentiality of the identity of the reporter and ensuring adequate information security measures.


Sideralba S.p.A. has adopted an internal procedure which, in compliance with the obligations imposed by Legislative Decree no. 24/2023 which transposed EU Directive no. 1937/2019 (the so-called “Whistleblowing Directive”) on the “protection of persons who report breaches of Union law and laying down provisions concerning the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law. “Whistleblowing Directive”) concerning the “protection of persons who report breaches of Union law and laying down provisions concerning the protection of persons who report breaches of national laws”, defines and describes the process for managing Whistleblowing reports, including anonymous ones, by anyone who becomes aware of acts and/or facts, even if only potentially, contrary to national law and reports of predicate offences pursuant to Leg. Legislative Decree 231/01 and any other violation of the 231 Model, as well as reports of acts or omissions contrary to Union law or EU acts, which the whistleblower has become aware of in the context of his or her work.

Therefore, you are invited to read the General Procedure for handling Whistleblowing reports of Sideralba S.p.A. at the following link (PDF).


The platform is intended for use by those who, in good faith and in accordance with ethical principles of integrity, report conduct that potentially does not comply with laws and regulations or with Sideralba S.p.A.’s internal principles and procedures, of which they have become aware. The Company will prosecute the authors of reports made in bad faith, with defamatory intent or that do not fall within the correct spirit of cooperation towards the Company.

The protections afforded to the whistleblower do not apply to the whistleblower’s disputes, claims or requests linked to a personal interest of the whistleblower that relate exclusively to his or her individual work relations, or inherent to his or her work relations with hierarchically superior figures. Therefore, you are invited NOT to use the platform with reference to such issues; as a general rule, the Company urges its employees to resolve any labour disputes, where possible, through dialogue, even informal, with their colleagues and/or direct supervisor.

Likewise, employees are invited not to use the platform for complaints, requests for assistance and other questions of a commercial nature to be forwarded to the customer relations channels set up by the Company.

Reports must be made in a spirit of responsibility, be of interest to the common good, and fall within the types specifically set out in Legislative Decree No. 24/2023.
Please refrain from making reports that do not fall within the cases indicated above.


General Whistleblowing Procedure
Send a report à https://sideralba.besegnalazione.it/